You want your family to be away from any kinds of diseases. Cold and flu are very common. We know how to prevent them from entering our homes. But the novel Coronavirus pandemic is something that we were not prepared for.
A reputable and highly recommended maid cleaning service / domestic cleaners company in San Diego or La Mesa should be in a position to understand your needs and how to disinfect your home so that you can lead a stress free and comfortable life. You must have heard how some maid cleaning services use bleaches and bleach based cleaners. These are not typically recommended by reputable house cleaning company and professionals. They do have a certain degree of effectiveness against viruses which are similar to the Coronavirus but are they completely safe for your family? White vinegar is an alternative but is it enough to prevent your family from such devastating viruses?
These questions put us in a very difficult situation. The only way to protect your family and home from any dangerous virus or bacterial infection is to associate with a domestic cleaners La Mesa that knows how to completely disinfect your household and its items with the right solutions all the while protecting your family from any harm and side effects that may arise out of the use of such disinfectants and cleaning solutions.
Using Disinfecting Wipes And Similar Equipment:
How Your Domestic Cleaning Help In San Diego Can Make A Huge Difference
Your kitchen countertops and bathroom shelves are probably some of the areas that are in need of disinfecting the most. Even your appliance handles, your smart phones and television remote controls get dirty throughout the day. Do not forget your computer keyboards, mice and pens. Is it effective to disinfect and sanitize them every now and then?
Yes, according to doctors and physicians, disinfecting and sanitizing all these items and several other surfaces across your home is a good idea. Even the World Health Organization suggests taking preventive measures to make sure that this virus does not reach your home. Make sure that the maid service in San Diego you have hired understands the guidelines issued by the WHO and follows the recommended household cleaning protocols and regulations so as to maintain the safety of your family members.
Keeping Your Hands Clean:
According to the guidelines issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, washing your hands vigorously with soap or any medicated hand-wash for at least 20 seconds reduces the chances of anyone in your family contracting any such dangerous viruses. This habit is something that should be encouraged and followed through. Make sure that your maid / domestic cleaner in La Mesa follows the same guidelines and is conscious enough about their hygiene practices. It is recommended that you talk about these practices with them beforehand at length prior to hiring them.
Avoiding Touches That Can Be Avoided:
The WHO and the CDC have advised everyone to avoid any touches to the eyes, nose and mouth. If your maid / house cleaning professional is conscious about these rules and has adopted these habits, any germs and bacteria that lurk around your home or on the various porous surfaces across your kitchen and bathroom will not be able to reach you or anyone in your family that easily. According to studies, contaminated hands are the most frequent and common transmitters of virus and bacterial infections. They convey the deadliest of diseases from one person to another very easily. The most sensitive points on your body are your eyes, nose and mouth. These are the entry ways to your body for various virus and bacteria and therefore, should be kept covered.
The advice and precautionary measures suggested by experts are not only for your family members but also for cleaning professionals. Research has already shown that the coronavirus and several other bacterial infections can get easily transmitted through droplets and moisture. This is why it is recommended to associate with the most reputable and highly aware and educated domestic cleaning company in La Mesa. The maid service that keeps itself updated and aware is the only one you can trust for the safety and well-being of your family.