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Five Ultimate Tips to Eliminate Bathroom Odor

· Home Cleaning

What's worse than walking into a wonderful bathroom and crinkling your nose at the awful smell emitted somewhere within it? It is embarrassing when the bathroom stinks. Though homeowners prefer daily home cleaning, understanding where the bathroom generates different odors can help eliminate foul smells in no time.

Being exposed to water and used often, it is ultra-prone to taking on horrid odors.

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However, this post describes how to remove stinky smells from the bathroom. Just follow these five tips!

1. Tiles and Floor Cleaning

Often, bathrooms have tiles on walls and floors. We might clean the floor with a wiper after a shower, but what about the wall tiles? However, the floor is the source of many poor aromas and needs a deep cleaning.

Daily cleaning of floors and wall tiles is the only way to make the bathroom smell nice.

2. Scrub the Toilet Bowl from Inside

The inside of a toilet bowl takes on considerable amounts of residue as time passes. This residue creates an odor when collected in bulk. Therefore, scrubbing the inside of your toilet bowl eradicates bad smells from your bathroom. So, clean your toilet seats once a week.

3. Switch on the Ceiling Fan While Showering

A bathroom should have a ceiling fan. When you shower, moisture fills the air within the bathroom, turning it into a temporary steam room. However, it damages to ceiling and walls by leaving mold spores that don't smell good. Therefore, always run the ceiling fan while showering and clean tiles every week.

4. Spray After Toilet Use

Even if you have flushed properly, the smell is always there. Sprinkling a scented spray helps you and your guests counteract that foul smell. You can hire a house cleaning company before the arrival of your guests to get rid of bad odors instantly. However, spraying perfume in a bathroom is helpful too.

5. Light a Candle

The smoke and heat from a candle help neutralize the foul smell. Lit the candle for a while, and don't leave it unattended. It is a basic solution. You can light the candle in the bathing area whenever you feel so. Blow out the candle after the odors remove.

Following these tips can help you eliminate odors from the bathroom. Nevertheless, there are some foul smells you can't help. At that moment, the best way is to take professional help, such as hiring San Diego cleaning services to make your home (and bathroom) look beautiful with fragrance.